Hospital Pharmacists and other scientists from the health care sector were attended the
12th Congress of the EAHP from 21 – 23 March 2007 in Bordeaux, France.
The main theme of the congress was “
New therapies in the 21st century: Challenges for hospital pharmacy”.
Among the seminars and presentations were the following topics:
How is genome technology affecting therapy in hospital pharmacy practice?
Speaker: William E Evans, PharmD, St Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA
How are new pharmaceuticals tested in humans after the March 2006 tragic outcome in London?
Speaker: Dr Nirmala Bhogal, FRAME, Nottingham, UK
Future for the free research and drug development
Speaker: Merrill Goozner, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Washington DC, USA
SeminarsSeminar1: Drugs of the 21st century: biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars
Speaker A: Professor Roger L Tredree, St George’s Hospital, London, UK
Speaker B: Professor Huub Schellekens, Institute of Innovative Studies, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Seminar2: Effect of genetic information on hospital pharmacy practice
Speaker A: Dr Philippa Brice, UK
Speaker B: V'Iain Fenton-May, University of Wales, College of Medicine, Wales, UK
Seminar3: Haemato-oncology: cutting edge diagnosis translated in tailor-made therapy
Speaker A: Dr Maria Guadalupe Salta, Instituto Português de Oncologia de Francisco Gentil, Lisbon, Portugal
Speaker B: Professor John Goldman, Imperial College, London, UK
Seminar4: The EAHP 2005 Survey: trends of European hospital pharmacy in the new century
Speaker A: Dr Tajda Miharija-Gala, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia and Director of Professional and Practice Aspects, EAHP
Seminar5: Incompatibility reactions in drug therapy – preventable medication errors
Speaker A: Dr Karin Nemec, Donauspital, Vienna, Austria
Speaker B: Professor Stefan Mühlebach, Swissmedic, Bern, Switzerland
Seminar6: The GMP challenge: Future for production and reconstitution in Hospital Pharmacy
Speaker A: Professor Vagn Handlos, H:S Pharmacy, Copenhagen, Denmark
Speaker B: Kristina Thomsen, Roskilde Hospital, Denmark
Seminar7: National presidents’ seminar: patient safety in the daily life of European hospitals
Speaker A: Dr Jochen Schnurrer, Klinikum Region Hannover, Laatzen, Germany
Speaker B: Veronica Treacy, St James Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Speaker C: Dr María José Tamés, Instituto Oncológico, San Sebastian, Spain
Seminar8: How does hospital accreditation affect the hospital pharmacies in Europe?
Speaker A: Dr Helle Mc Nulty, H:S Pharmacy, Copenhagen, Denmark
Speaker B: Dr David Marx, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Seminar9: Drugs available in the EU – future shortage?
Speaker A: Dr Walter Deutschmann, Klinikum Bremen Mitte, Bremen, Germany
Speaker B: Rui Dos Santos Ivo, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Seminar10: Reengineering hospital pharmacy in Europe: changing from cost to care centres
Speaker A: Dr Jorgen Garnak, IMS Health, London, UK
Speaker B: Dr Maria Antònia Mangues, Hospital de la Sta Creu I St Pau, Barcelona, Spain
Seminar11: How to organize a clinical trial unit?
Speaker A: Dr John Jolley, London, UK
Speaker B: Dr Monika Seibert-Grafe, Mainz, Germany
Seminar12: Is purchasing drugs a role for the hospital pharmacy in the future?
Speaker A: Flemming Sonne, Amgros I/S, Copenhagen, Denmark
Speaker B: Dr Michael Baehr, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Satellite SymposiumBiocompatibles: Drug Eluting Beads, A novel Drug Delivery Embolisation System in Oncology
BioGeneric drugs: the next breakthrough
Planning for patient safety
The rational use of biologic therapy in inflammatory diseases
The next
13th Annual Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists will take place in
Maastricht, The Netherlands, from
27 to 29 February 2008.
Here are some photos from the 12th congress.

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