The UK has launched a review of the National Health Service (NHS) to examine the impact of technology and lifestyle choices on the nation's well-being and to make the system more fair, personal and effective.
Launching the review, UK Premier Gordon Brown also announced the creation of a new health innovation fund.
"Our vision...is an NHS that not only provides a personal service that is organised around the needs of the patients but one that is pioneering new cures for the future. Renewing the NHS is my most immediate priority in the job that I hold,'' said UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown as he launched a reportexternal setting out the Government's vision for the country's future health service.
The interim report, NHS next stage review external , published on 4 October 2007, sets out a 10-year vision for the British health service. The report looks at how the NHS can become fairer, more personalised, effective and safe and sets out actions that should be taken to make progress towards that vision. "This interim report is the start of developing this vision for the next ten years," said Lord Darzi, author of the report.
Led by the new health minister, Lord Ara Darzi, the review will examine the impact of technology and lifestyle choices on the nation's well-being, and will look to make the NHS more responsive and better able to serve the needs of the public. The final part of the review setting out how the vision can be delivered will be published in spring 2008.