The main theme of the congress was “Quality and Medication Safety hand in hand”. In cooperation with the Swiss Society of Public Health and Hospital Pharmacists (GSASA) the Organising Committee succeeded to organize a successful congress.
Among the seminars and presentations were the following topics:
- Access to innovative oncology drugs in Europe
- The need for drug information exchange across European countries: creating a European information service network
- Quality of pharmaceutical services: a tool to help improve the safety of the medication process?
- Risk management in hospital pharmacy
- Stability of injectable drugs
- Barcode and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) scanning: from theory to reality
- Evidence based drug formularies
- TPN for neonates: evolution over 30 years
- Drug distribution on trial – is nit dose the correct way forward?
The next 12th Annual Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists will take place in France, in the beautiful city of Bordeaux, from 21 to 23 March 2007.
Here are some photos from the 11th congress.