Three international pharmacy workgroups of the standards developing organizations ISO TC215 WG6, IHE pharmacy and HL7 pharmacy have aligned their work items on Monday, June 10, at Nictiz in the Hague.
The purpose of this meeting was not only to exchange information on the projects of each workgroup, but also to set out a path to strengthen their collaboration. In order to achieve this, it is important that the activities of the organizations are aligned regularly. In particular, because every organization has a specific task.
In a nutshell the tasks of the organizations are: HL7 creates standards, IHE describes how to use the standards and ISO enforces the standards. New and current topics of the ISO TC 215 workgroup 6 were discussed: requirements like medicinal product dictionaries, data elements and structures for identification of a magistral compound and requirements for electronic prescriptions.
The main topic of the day was unilateral agreement on the glossary and terms. HL7 Pharmacy published the definitions of medication profile of a patient on their Wiki. An agreed definition of the content of the profile is essential for understanding each other. Each country can then apply restrictions to the universal medication profile for their own requirements.
The IHE Pharmacy working group showed their Community Medication Prescription and Dispense profile. It describes the process of prescription, validation and dispense of medication in the community domain. The basis for IHE Pharmacy is the whitepaper Hospital Pharmacy and Community Pharmacy, Use Cases and Standards.
The organizations were content with the results of the meeting and have decided to continue this activity as a recurring event. A quote from a participant was: ‘To move forward, it is better to have more people talking at the same time on the same topics’.
For any further information, please contact Michael Tan (tan at nictiz dot nl).