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A hospital pharmacist who played a key role in the creation of the Pharmacy domain for Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE), Jacqueline Surugue was elected the Co Chair for Users of IHE Europe Steering Committee in June. www.ihe-europe.net
Since 2007, Jacqueline Surugue has served on the Steering Committee of IHE, representing the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP).
Completing her term as President of EAHP in June, Jacqueline Surugue takes up her duties as IHE-Europe co-chair, saying, “I will bring my enthusiasm to collaborate with co Chairs and members and my support in establishing IHE Europe as a recognized stakeholder on the European level and a strong partner within IHE international with the aim of a coherent interoperability of health information systems”.
IHE-Europe is represented by an executive board with Co-Chairs and two past Co-Chairs of the European IHE Committee, two representing the vendors, two representing the users of IT systems in health care.
As Co-Chair for Users, Jacqueline Surugue joins Peter Kuenecke, the elected Co-Chair for Vendors, in jointly-directing the activities and operations of the not-for profit organization IHE-Europe aisbl.
Hospitals, health authorities and medical societies participate in the activities of IHE-Europe which is also supported by many sponsoring organisations and companies. The organization was initiated jointly by the European Association of Radiology (EAR) and the European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Medical IT Industries (COCIR).
Jacqueline Surugue is chief of the Pharmacy Department for the 1,200-bed Centre Hospitalier Georges Renon (Niort) in the Poitou Charentes region of France. She has a broad experience on European level in her role as the president of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, a federation of 29 countries from Europe representing 22,000 hospital pharmacists.
She was elected vice president of the Federation Internationale Pharmaceutique (FIP) Hospital Section in 2006 and is an elected member of the National Council of the French Order of Pharmacists.
Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) International is an organization that enables users and developers of information technology for healthcare to achieve interoperability of systems through the precise definition of healthcare tasks, the specification of standards-based communication between systems required to support those tasks and the testing of systems to determine that they conform to the specifications. The work is managed by IHE committees and sponsored by various national and international bodies, as described in the IHE Principles of Governance, available at www.ihe.net/governance/.
The European Parliament adopted a report backing measures designed to reduce the millions of infections picked up by patients in hospitals each year. The recruitment of specialised nurses, better education, support for research and better information for patients are among the measures proposed.