The financial envelope of the public health programme for the period 2003-2008 is € 353.77 million.
According to the annual work plan the budget available for 2006 is € 55,817,661 million. This amount is divided into the "operational budget" of € 53,863,521 million, which will be used by awarding grants for projects and by issuing calls for tenders, and resources for technical and administrative assistance and support expenditure of € 1,954,140 million.
The intention is to allocate the operational budget in 2006 in a balanced way between the three objectives of the programme: health information, rapid reaction to health threats and addressing health determinants unless particular public health emergencies arise, justifying a reallocation of resources.
The Commission will implement the priorities defined in the Work Plan 2006 by awarding grants to selected projects that have been submitted under the Call for proposals 2006. The period for submitting applications ends on 19 May 2006.