PRODIGY Knowledge is an up-to-date source of clinical knowledge that can help healthcare professionals and patients in managing the common conditions generally seen in primary and first-contact care. PRODIGY Knowledge is practical and reliable, supporting safe and effective clinical practice.
11 updated PRODIGY full guidance topics have been issued onto the PRODIGY Knowledge website www.prodigy.nhs.uk. To view a list and a summary of the changes to the updated guidance please see the summary of guidance changes.
Updated PRODIGY guidance
Acne vulgaris
Benzodiazepines/Z drugs - withdrawing treatment
Hypertension in pregnancy
Opioid dependence
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Urethritis male
Urinary tract infection - children
Urinary tract infection (lower) - men
Urinary tract infection (lower) - women
Updated PRODIGY Patient Information Leaflets (PILs)
Updated patient information leaflets (PILs) for the PRODIGY guidance topics which were issued in May 2006 have been issued onto the PRODIGY website. To view a list of the updated PILs please click here http://www.prodigy.nhs.uk/.