Several new developments have contributed to our knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of using products of the beehive in modern medicine.
Increased problems with disease causing agents that has become resistant to modern antibiotics have made doctors all over the world asking for high quality, efficient alternative methods and means to cure diseases. APITHERAPY gives answers to this problem.
The high cost of many pharmaceutical products mean that they are not available for the majority of people in the world today. APITHERAPY might in many cases give an answer to the problem.
The co-operation within APIMONDIA of strong bodies working with the therapeutic and dietetic values of APITHERAPY has meant a strong development and new knowledge since our last Symposium in 1998.
APIMONDIA is with its Standing Commission on APITHERAPY actively involved in the developments. Extensive studies and research have been carried out in hospitals. Strong efforts are put into involving international organisations in the implementation of the methods in the hospitals around the world.
Doctors, scientists, administrators and development workers meet in Athens for the "APIMEDICA2006 - Ist International Forum on Apitherapy" 12 - 15 October 2006 to discuss and learn under the following broad headlines:
Health: Nutrition, prevention of stress,
Well being: Illnesses, Infectious diseases, Autoimmune diseases, Cancer.
Research issues.
Asger Søgaard Jørgensen
The Greek Scientific Apitherapy Center, pursuing its efforts for the study, documentation and demonstration of the therapeutic qualities of bee products, organizes its 3rd annual conference.
This time, the scope of the event is considerably broadened; it has become international through the cooperation of Apimondia, the world organization for apiculture. Therefore, in October we host in our country "APIMEDICA 2006 - 1st International Forum on Apitherapy" which will be the worldwide event on the subject.
During the conference you will have the opportunity to learn the latest developments in the relevant field of research on a global scale as well as get informed by a number of specialists from various medical domains on the practical applications of apitherapy in health prevention, hygiene and treatment of various diseases.
We believe that the presence of the people involved in the health sector in this conference and the knowledge to be drawn from it will be most valuable for all and that through the dissemination of apitherapy we will contribute to the amelioration of health services and life quality.
D.A. Selianakis
President M.B. Greek Scientific Apitherapy Center
Source: http://www.apimedica2006.gr/page.asp?pid=1