Before the beginning of the General Assembly of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists that was took place in Paris, 09-12 June 2005, a visit to the Hospital "Georges Pompidou” was organized (Thursday of 09 June).
The hospital has 780 beds and roughly 3000 individuals personnel from which 600 doctors. The pharmaceutical department has 102 (a hundred and two) personnel from which 24 are pharmacists. It functions all the 24 hours a day and distributes medicines with electronic prescription methodology.

It has a department of pharmaceutical information, reconstitution of cytostatics medicines and other of parenteral solutions, laboratory of cytostatics control and department of medical devices.
The hospital is a “paperless hospital” and everybody uses a “clever” program of computerisation.
In France the study for pharmacy last 6 years, then the pharmacist, who wants to be a hospital pharmacist, remain as internal in a hospital for 4 years and then after examinations he/she take the speciality of hospital pharmacist. Their salary is the same with the doctors.

The prescriptions are checked with a computer program by the pharmacists for interactions etc. They do not use barcodes and the industry supplies the pharmacy with medicines of common packing and they prepare the individual doses.
The pharmacists are persons in charge for the medicines, the reconstitution of cytostatics medicines, the medical appliances, the department of sterilisation, the manufacturing of medicines, the control of quality and for the medical gases.

The program of computerisation that they use all around the hospital is the "Thallis” of the company MEDAsys.