The Annual General Assembly of the EAHP -European Association of Hospital Pharmacists took place in Paris during 09-12 June 2005. In the Assembly participated delegations from almost all the countries of European Union and from other countries that participate in the Council of Europe. The website of EAHP is (
Some of the subjects that were discussed and we can publish, were the following among the others:
• The proposal to the European Union for the acting of the profession in each member state of, doctors, pharmacists, nurses, veterinarians and architects became acceptable from Parliament with general formulation (European Parliament, 11 May 2005, /adopted amendment 36/2a.
• From 23 countries 21 already they have enacted the Speciality and in the law it is left the possibility of application of speciality in any profession included the hospital pharmacy.

• The member states have deadline of 2 two years in order to advance in the enactment of speciality.
• It exists in development discussion of proposal in the European Parliament on the paediatric medicines.
• The journal EJHP -European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy- circulates henceforth in two publications, with Professionally and with Scientific subjects and is dispatched in all the colleagues.
• It has become an upgrade of the web page of EAHP with interesting content (
• All the articles of the journal EJHP -European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy- are accessible in the Internet in the page of EAHP.

• The next congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists will take place 22-24 March, 2006 in Geneva, Switzerland, with the main subject "Quality and Medication Safety hand in hand”.