Interoperable electronic health record (EHR) and ePrescribing systems are already high on the political agenda in Europe and beyond.
The goal of the EHR IMPACT study is to support ongoing initiatives and implementation work by the European Commission, Member States governments, private investors, and other actors. The study aims to improve awareness of the benefits and provide new empirical evidence on the socio-economic impact and lessons learnt from successfully implemented systems.
In pursuit of these goals, the study focuses on:
* Defining a conceptual framework and analysing differences in emphasis and functionalities of various kinds of EHR and ePrescribing systems, as well as levels and degrees of interoperability;
* Developing further the state-of-the-art socio-economic impact evaluation methodologies and applying these to interoperable EHR and ePrescribing systems;
* Identifying cases of good practice in terms of overall performance and particularly in economic terms, of implemented, interoperable EHR and ePrescribing systems;
* Evaluating the economic impact of ten implemented solutions from across the healthcare value system, as well as across the EU Member States;
* Presenting and disseminating the gained empirical knowledge to the wider public, to address the need to improve awareness of the benefits of interoperable EHR and ePrescribing systems.
The EHR IMPACT study is commissioned by DG INFSO and Media, unit ICT for Health.
Download The Socio-Economic Impact of Interoperable Electronic Health Record (EHR) and ePrescribing Systems in Europe and Beyond - Final Report