Latest on the drugs problem across Europe
Annual report 2008 from the European Union Drugs Agency
Launch date: Thursday 6 November
Time: 10:00 CET (Brussels time)
Venue: European Parliament press room (PHS 0A 050), Rue Wiertz, B-1047 Brussels
Information package and event details: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/events/2008/annual-report
(20.10.2008, LISBON) The latest facts, figures and trends on drugs in Europe will be addressed in the upcoming Annual report 2008: the state of the drugs problem in Europe, from the Lisbon-based EU drugs agency, the EMCDDA. The report offers an overview of the drug situation across the 27 EU Member States, Croatia, Turkey and Norway, and details the current legal, political, social and health responses.
Individual chapters dedicated to specific drugs present the latest European overview of: prevalence and patterns of use; supply and availability; and treatment and other interventions. These are complemented by chapters relating to: policies and laws; responding to drug problems in Europe; drug-related infectious diseases and deaths; and new drugs and emerging trends.
Annual report — downloadable in 23 languages (21 EU plus Norwegian and Turkish):
Selected issue — offering an in-depth review of Drugs and vulnerable groups of young people, downloadable in English: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/selected-issues
2008 Statistical bulletin — providing tables and statistical graphs:
Country overviews — providing a synopsis of the trends and characteristics of national drug problems. These consist of a summary of the national drug situation, key statistics at a glance and a barometer showing the drug use prevalence position of each country: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/country-overviews
Reitox national reports — describing the drug phenomenon in individual countries, downloadable in English: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/national-reports
Press pack — downloadable in 23 languages (also available: MP3 files for radio journalists; RSS feeds):
The above products will go online at 10:00 CET. Helpdesks will operate at the EMCDDA (Lisbon) on the day of the launch to answer journalists’ questions — Tel. (351) 218 11 30 00 / 40 / 21 / 59 / 97 — while helpdesks at the Reitox national focal points will answer country-specific queries (see event details above).
The EMCDDA is the hub of drug-related information in the European Union. Its mission is to provide the EU and its Member States with an evidence base on the European drugs problem to inform policymaking and practice.
Contact: Kathy Robertson, Media relations • Kathryn.Robertson@emcdda.europa.eu
Rua da Cruz de Santa Apolónia 23-25, 1149-045 Lisbon, Portugal
Tel. (351) 218 11 30 00 • Fax (351) 218 13 17 11 • info@emcdda.europa.eu • www.emcdda.europa.eu