You are invited to participate in a historic event that will guide the future development of hospital pharmacy practice around the world. The FIP Hospital Pharmacy Section (HPS) is hosting a Global Conference on the Future of Hospital Pharmacy immediately before the start of the 68th International Congress of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP).
The conference is open to any hospital pharmacy leader, hospital pharmacist or other individual interested in hospital pharmacy practice. This event will give the participants the opportunity to share professional experiences in hospital pharmacy with colleagues from all over the world.
The complete findings of a Global Survey on Hospital Pharmacy Practice, a FIP Board of Pharmaceutical Practice Special Project carried out in 2007-2008, will be presented.
The participants will identify opportunities for global advancement of hospital pharmacy practice relevant to the needs of each participating country. Working group sessions will focus on various dimensions of the medication use process in hospital. Consensus statements will be developed to offer guidance on the development of tools to advance hospital pharmacy practice.
The conference will truly be a unique opportunity to influence, in a very direct way, the development of hospital pharmacy in all countries of the world, consistent with the critical needs that patients and healthcare professionals have for pharmacists’ expertise.
Conference Dates: Saturday 30th of August 2008 - Sunday 31st of August 2008
For more information and schedule of the conference: