9th International HL7 Interoperability Conference
IHIC2008, 8-11 October, 2008, Chersonissos, Crete, Greece.
Deadline for submission of extended abstracts is April 30, 2008. Visit the website www.hl7.org.gr/ihic2008
Thematic Priorities
HL7 implementation experience from regional, transregional, or national implementation:
§ HL7 v2.x and 3.0 messages
§ Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)
§ ePrescription and eClaims
§ Collaborative use of standards, HL7 in IHE profiles
§ Terminologies, ontologies and Coding Systems
· Business Models for reimbursement & large scale deployment:
§ Global initiatives beyond HIPPA and the European Health Insurance Card (eHIC)
§ Electronic Healthcare Record: from strategy to implementation.
§ Knowledge deployment processes for education, certification
§ Legal and regulatory issues.
· HL7 standards for Security, Confidentiality and Trust.
· Beyond HL7 messages and documents. - Challenges ahead
· HL7 in consumer health:
§ HL7 v3 for Personal health records and health plans
§ environmental health and personalized health early warning (e.g. pollution, allergies)
§ HL7 CDA for Personal health devices, smart appliances, health cards
· HL7 in population health and decision support
§ epidemiology, disease surveillance and control
§ geographical information systems for population health
§ disaster medicine, emergency management and public health
§ clinical genomics and family history
IHE Workshop Program
Thursday October 9, 2008, 8:30-15:00
Integrating the Health Enterpise (IHE) Orientation Workshop
(preliminary program)
Charles Parisot, Eric Poiseau
8:30-10:30 The IHE Standards Adoption Process: achieving practical interoperability
From Standards to IHE Profiles, closing the compatibility gaps
- regional and national health information exchange projects: connecting care
- integrated hospital (radiology, laboratory, cardiology, pathology, etc.)
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break |
- role of national IHE, IHE-Europe, IHE International and Domain Committees
From IHE Profiles to conformance testing, closing the implementation gap
- Helping the implementers, testing tools, connectathons
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break |
13:30-15:00 How to use IHE resources: hands on experience
- technical Frameworks: navigating, Q&A
- test tools: finding, using, configuring
Dear Leonidas,
Just notice that my post is a "live post", notes taken during the meeting, so they are not easy reading.
Many thanks to provide this great and clear introduction! ;-)