The website of the European Academy of Hospital Pharmacy (EurAHP) is on the air!
The European Academy of Hospital Pharmacy (EurAHP) is the educational institution of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP). With 21,000 members in 28 countries, EAHP has set up EurAHP to offer European hospital pharmacists:
* A pan-European system of continuing medical education (CME) accreditation
* Accredited modular courses for hospital pharmacists in four key areas (the BEAM initiative):
o Biotechnology
o Evidence-based medicine
o Aspects of compounding
o Management
EurAHP’s mission is to 'strive for excellence in continuing medical education' for the pharmacy profession. In order to achieve this EurAHP has set up two initiatives:
Continuing Professional Development (CPD): EurAHP can offer accreditation for hospital pharmacy educational meetings via Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). With a heritage going back to 1932, this organization provides the US standard for accreditation of pharmacy education and serves as an excellent model and starting point for future pan-European accreditation.
For more information please visit the address: http://www.eurahp.eu/