According to many modern alternative therapy practitioners, physical symptoms that are caused by an illness or a disorder must be considered in relation to the emotional, intellectual and spiritual well-being of a person. This relationship helps the therapist to go deeper into the patient's health problem and then to apply the necessary holistic therapies and dietary methods. If these practices are applied in combination with traditional medicine they will make up an integrated approach to patients, restoring them fully by healing not only the symptoms but also their causes.
The aim of the 1st International Conference on "Natural Health and Nutrition. A Scientific Approach", which will take place for the first time in Athens in October 2007, is to deal with this subject within the framework of scientific research and knowledge and at the same time to make known the extremely valuable contribution made by the alternative methods and the dietary therapies in maintaining good health whilst showing respect to people and to Mother Earth precious goods.
Scientists and researchers from all over the world will take part as speakers at the conference and will give answers to hot questions that concern many people whilst presenting new scientific facts that will immediately be applied in practice and will contribute to the achievement of the conference's goals.
Moreover, the general public today expects health professionals to keep them informed about natural therapies and to apply suitable dietary therapies. We therefore invite all those who are directly or indirectly involved in this sensitive and essential area to be present and contribute to the success of this conference.
Pharmacists | |
Medical doctors | |
Dieticians | |
Psychologists | |
Physiotherapists | |
Homeopath doctors | |
Naturopaths | |
Herbalists | |
Acupuncturists | |
Osteopathics | |
Chiropractors | |
Researchers and writers on health and nutrition | |
Cosmeticians | |
Wellness coaches | |
Nurses | |
Undergraduate and postgraduate students on the field of health and nutrition. |
and all people concerning about their health and nutritional intake.
Oral or poster presentations are welcome on the topics mentioned on the Topics web page.
Interested contributors are kindly asked to submit their abstracts (english or greek) electronically
by 17 May 2007.
An abstract of up to 300 words should be submitted, stating clearly the scope of the paper to be presented, the scientific methodology applied and the results obtained.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee, and the authors will be notified about acceptance of their paper by 15 June 2007.
Full papers should be submitted by 10 August 2007.
Address: 28, Ypsilantou str.,
GR-17236, Dafni-Athens, Greece
Phone: +30 210 9730697
Fax: +30 210 9767208
E-mail: conf@heliotopos.net
Conference Secretariat E-mail: NatHeal2007@heliotopos.net